Council Presidencies and Configurations

To make sure the environment makes is a top political priority, the EEB engages with the EU institutions: the Presidencies of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, European Parliament and other agencies. Shaping the work programme of each Council Presidency and ensuring that environmental files progress is at the heart of our high-level engagement with European institutions.  

At the outset of every presidency trio, the EEB presents an overarching memorandum to the three governments taking over the Presidency of the Council to highlight the environmental files that they must advance during their leadership. In addition, the EEB presents an individual memorandum including 10 Green Tests a set of environmental benchmarks to live up to for each new presiding government. The EEB engages with representatives of each presidency and organises, together with the Green 10, a reception with each government’s Environment Ministry. After each presidency, the EEB presents a thorough assessment of what has been achieved based on the 10 Green Tests set out at the beginning of the presidency and what remains on the agenda.  



Library for Council Presidencies and Configurations