Membership application procedure
The EEB is the only European umbrella organisation that covers such a large number of environmental policy issues and is at the same time open to membership for all bona fide NGOs active in the field of the environment. This makes the EEB a unique and unifying actor for the European environmental movement and gives it a strong voice in EU and international policy processes.
Once a potential member has filled out the application form and sent it to the EEB secretariat, we will nominate two scrutineers to review the application. The scrutineers will review the application and make a recommendation to the EEB Board which will then make a recommendation to the General Assembly. The General Assembly decides upon all applications for membership on the basis of the recommendations from the Board once a year at the EEB’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Trial application procedure
The EEB Working Groups play a central role in the daily work of the EEB. They are the primary forum through which EEB members collaborate with each other on substantive issues
Organisations interested in membership are encouraged to join one or two of the EEB’s Working Groups for a three-month trial period. Joining a Working Group is the best way to better understand how the EEB works!
Learn more about our Working Groups on our decidated Working Group page!