EEB’s work has been made possible throughout the years by the support of our donors, ranging from the European Union, members, as well as a growing number of foundations and international organisations.

Learn more about how our work is funded and our achievements in our latest Annual Report . We extend a warm thank you to the following donors that have showed interest in our work by supporting us with a contribution in 2024-2025:

We welcome donations and gifts to support our work for environmental justice, sustainable development and participatory democracy

We welcome donations and gifts to the following bank account to support our work for environmental justice, sustainable development and participatory democracy:

Account Holder: European Environmental Bureau
Bank Name: Kredietbank
Rond Point R. Schuman 4
B – 1040 Brussels

Account number: 426-4098771-14
IBAN: BE94 4264 0987 7114
Currency: EURO

The European Environmental Bureau is a non-profit association registered under Belgian law. Contributions or gifts to the European Environmental Bureau are not tax deductible and we are unfortunately not able to provide individuals with fiscal certificates ("attestation fiscale").