The EEB Working Groups play a central role in the daily work of the EEB. They are the primary forum through which EEB members collaborate with each other on substantive issues.

To be effective, close co-operation and the exchange of information between the EEB and its member organisations is crucial. The Working Groups bring together environmentalists from all over Europe to discuss the priorities set by EEB members in the organisation’s long-term strategy and annual work programmes. The Working Groups allow members to agree EEB’s policy positions and develop joint strategies to influence policies at a national, European and international level. They also facilitate the sharing of best practice, meetings with policy experts and allow participants to keep up to date with the latest political developments in Brussels and around Europe.

Full and associate EEB members can join as many Working Groups as they like. Working groups typically meet once or twice a year and use collaborative tools to work together during the rest of the year. They are usually coordinated by a member of the EEB staff. The EEB generally contributes towards travel and accommodation costs for one participant per full member per country to attend the Working Group meetings, though it may cover more or less depending on the budget available for the specific topic.

Organisations interested in membership are encouraged to join one or two of the EEB’s Working Groups for a three-month trial period. Joining a Working Group is the best way to better understand how the EEB works!

Learn more about our Working Groups by browsing through the list below and contact the EEB staff in charge for more information.


Learn more about our Working Groups

The EEB Working Group on Agriculture focuses on radically overhauling the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) so that it supports a sustainable and healthy food and farming system.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• The CAP and related policies
• EU nature legislation
• Energy policies
• Air quality

The Agriculture Working Group meets once or twice a year. Its coordinator Célia Nyssens-James, Policy Manager for Agriculture and Food Systems, is on parental leave until July 2024. In her absence you can contact Isabel Paliotta, Policy Officer for Sustainable Food Systems.
The EEB Working Group on Clean Air contributes to the development of air pollution rules at the EU level and keeps track of what governments and cities are doing to ensure their citizens' right to clean air. Topics of interest to the group include:

• Development and implementation of EU legislation on air quality (e.g. Ambient Air Quality Directives, NEC Directive)
• Development and implementation of source policies (e.g. agriculture, domestic heating, industry, energy production, transport, shipping)
• Development of relevant legislation and policies at international level (especially under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution)

The Clean Air Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by the Margherita Tolotto, Policy Manager for Air and Noise.
The EEB Working Group on Biodiversity works on EU policies so that they help protect and restore nature.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• The implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
• The new Nature Restoration Law
- The implementation and enforcement of the Nature Directives

The Biodiversity Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Sergiy Moroz, Policy Manager for Water and Biodiversity.
The EEB Working Group on Chemicals works on the most relevant chemicals legislations, in particular REACH regulation. It also tackles other relevant issues such as food contact materials, endocrine disrupters, flame retardants, the interface with other legislations such as waste, Ecolabel, pesticides, water framework directive, etc.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Non-toxic environment strategy
• Circular economy
• Better regulation
• National activities

The Chemicals Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Tatiana Santos, Head of Chemicals Policy.
The Coolproducts Working Group brings together EU and national experts on energy and resource efficiency in the context of product policy. The work focuses on eco-design and energy labelling for home and professional appliances such as TVs, fridges, washing machines and many others. The group aims to boost energy savings and resource conservation through better product design and information to consumers. Participants are regularly invited to provide input ahead of meetings with industry representatives and policy makers.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Correct implementation of ecodesign and energy labelling requirements
• Energy savings
• A circular approach: On recyclability, reparability and toxic-free design
• Empowering consumers
• The bigger picture: Circular Economy

The Coolproducts Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Stephane Arditi, Director of Policy Integration and Circular Economy.
6Circular Economy
In the Circular Economy Working Group, EEB members and other environmental experts collaborate and share intelligence on EU, national, and local policies to increase resource efficiency and reduce environmental impacts along the entire life cycle of products, from resource extraction to waste management. This includes the development of the EU product policy framework, spanning from ecodesign to green public procurement and the development of sound labelling criteria for sustainable products, such as the EU Ecolabel. In the field of waste policy, the EEB follows the development of the overarching Waste Framework Directive as well as more specific legislation on electronics, packaging, vehicles and batteries, among others.

The Circular Economy Working Group meets twice a year. One of its coordinators, Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, is on parental leave until August 2024. In his absence, you can contact the other coordinator, Fynn Hauschke , Policy Officer on Circular Economy and Waste.
7Economic Transition
The Economic Transition Working Group is focusing on mainstreaming alternative economic ideas (i.e. wellbeing economy, doughnut economics, post-growth, degrowth) into EU policy making. The idea is to collaboratively raise awareness, build capacity, reform existing policies as well as design and implement more ambitious ones.

We work on various areas, amongst others:
• alternative measurements of wellbeing and prosperity beyond GDP
• decoupling of work and social welfare policies of economic growth
• global resource justice and raw materials sufficiency
• progressive green and fair tax reform
• just transition and industrial policies beyond growth
• integration of intersectionality and gender justice into EU policies

The Economic Transition Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Policy Manager for Economic Transition and Gender Equality, Katharina Wiese.
8Energy and Climate
The EEB Working Group on Energy and Climate works on the 2030 climate and energy package and the implementation of the Paris Agreement, including the update of the 2050 roadmap and promotes a 100% renewables energy system.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Energy savings in buildings, transport and manufacturing
• Role of energy efficiency in a 100% renewable energy system
• Promotion on nature positive renewable energies
• Decarbonisation of energy production and consumption
• Energy infrastructures and grids
• Links between the use of refrigerants and the climate change

The Energy and Climate Working Group meets once or twice a year. Its coordinator is Luke Haywood, Policy Manager for Climate and Energy.
9Green Budget
The EEB Working Group on Green Budget is a forum to discuss how environmental fiscal reform and green budgeting can help catalyse a just transition to a sustainable Europe. It focuses mainly on EU policies and sharing of practice across EU Member States, while also taking inspiration from practice by EU neighbours and internationally.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Monitoring progress of fiscal reform at EU and Member State level and opportunities to better align taxation and public spending with environmental goals while taking account of the social dimension
• Keep track of developments in relation to the implementation of the post-2020 EU budget, National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) as well as of wider green finance initiatives
• Implementation of polluter pays principle and green fiscal reform by means of economic and fiscal instruments, such as green and circular taxes, emission trading, reform of harmful subsidies, broader tax adjustments and economic sanctions

The thematic focus of the Working Group is developing, and over time will also include resources use and pollution taxation to support the transition to a zero pollution, resource efficient, circular economy.

The Green Budget Working Group includes experts from EEB member organisations as well as academia and government experts.

The Working Group meets twice a year, with additional webinars and workshops where helpful given the policy landscape and needs, to share visions on practice and policy needs. It is coordinated by Deputy Policy Manager for Circular Economy and Fiscal Reform Marco Musso.
The EEB Working Group on Industry works on issues related to industrial activities in the EU. It consists of EEB members who share the common goal of reducing the harmful impacts that industrial installations may cause on people’s health and the environment.

The group comes together to form EEB policy by sharing scientific evidence and experience of best practices from the Member State level.
Topics of interest to the group include:
• The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)
• The Sevilla Process and related BREF work
• The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)
• The SEVESO III Directive (accidents involving dangerous substances)
• Related EU policies (liability, environmental impact assessments, chemical legislation, etc)

The Industry Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Head of Zero Pollution Industry Christian Schaible.
11International Environmental Governance
The EEB Working Group on International Environmental Governance follows different international processes such as the 2030 Agenda, the UN Environmental Assembly, COPs of the most relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and regional processes such as the Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference. The Working Group functions as an information hub for all interested EEB members.

Activities of interest to the group include:
• Participate in and provide input to UN processes such as the HLPF, UNECE Regional Forum for Sustainable Development and UNEA as well as to other processes at global and regional levels including the Environment for Europe conference;
• Share information about COPs of the most relevant MEAs;
• Actively engage in around development of stakeholder engagement mechanisms;
• Monitor and influence EU involvement in those processes;
• Participate in and provide input to OECD led activities;
• Work with SDG Watch Europe and exchange with Action 4 Sustainable Development, a large global coalition focussing on SDG implementation and advocacy.

The International Environmental Governance Working Group is coordinated by Patrizia Heidegger, Deputy Secretary General and Director for EU Governance, Sustainability and Global Policies.
(Image source: UNEP)
The EEB Working Group on Law brings together legal and policy experts from the EEB member organisations. It seeks to mobilise the EEB membership in support of actions to improve the implementation of EU law and instruments.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Press for sectoral as well as horizontal initiatives to ensure effective compliance;
• Follow the EU work on the Environmental Implementation Review and help identifying and promoting solutions to Member State-specific issues;
• Collecting information on complaints cases about bad transposition of the EIA Directive or about breaches in its application.

The Law Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Francesca Carlsson, Policy Manager for Environmental Law and Justice, Lead on Trade and Due Diligence.
The EEB Working Group on Nanomaterials works on the EU legislative framework to address nanomaterials, in particular through the chemicals EU legislation, REACH.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Transparency measures with regard to nanomaterials and EU wide register
• Nanomaterials in cosmetics
• Nanomaterials in food
• National activities

The Nanomaterials Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Tatiana Santos, Head of Chemicals Policy.
The EEB Working Group on Noise focuses in monitoring the development of Environmental Noise Directive (END).

Topics of interest to the group include:
• Monitor developments on EU noise policies (END and source policy) in particular if the Commission comes up with a proposal to revise the END.

The Noise Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Margherita Tolotto, Policy Manager for Air and Noise.
The EEB Working Group on Soil contributes to the development of a new dedicated EU legal instrument for soil protection, not least because of soil’s crucial role in storing carbon.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• The 7th Environmental Action Programme;
• Support the adoption of a dedicated EU legal instrument for soil protection.

The Soil Working Group is coordinated by Sergiy Moroz, Policy Manager for Water and Biodiversity.
16Textiles Taskforce
The Textiles Taskforce is a new civil society coordination group for both EEB members and non-EEB members who advocate for polices to ensure the textile industry operates in line with planetary boundaries.

Topics of interest to the group include:
- new product policy instruments applied to textile products (e.g. Ecodesign requirements for textiles and information provision through a product passport)
- phasing out hazardous chemicals used in textile production
- microplastic pollution
- stopping greenwashing through the substantiation of green claims
- circular business models
- human rights and environmental due diligence

The Textiles Taskforce meets regularly virtually and is coordinated by Emily Macintosh, Senior Policy Officer for Textiles.
The EEB Water Working Group works on maintaining an ambitious EU Water Framework Directive.

Topics of interest to the group include:
• The upcoming Fitness Check of the Water Framework Directive
• River Basin Management Plans

The Water Working Group meets once or twice a year and is coordinated by Sergiy Moroz, Policy Manager for Water and Biodiversity
18Zero Mercury
The Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) is an international coalition of over 110 public interest environmental and health non-governmental organizations from more than 55 countries. Active since 2005, the ZMWG strives for zero supply, demand, and emissions of mercury from all anthropogenic sources, with the goal of reducing mercury in the global environment to a minimum. Its mission is to advocate and support the implementation of the Minamata Convention.

The ZMWG meets at least once a year and is co-cordinated by Raphaëlle Catté, Policy Officer for Mercury