For your information

Types: Report
Published: 2 December 2019
Size: 8.97 MB

Information is knowledge and knowledge is power.

Incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen hopes to answer the demands of young people and voters for climate and environmental action with the promises contained in her EU Green Deal. The Green Deal is likely to become a defining policy for the EU in the coming years, but its success will depend on public support and engagement – which can only be won from empowered citizens in an evidence-based democracy. Ensuring adequate access to information is therefore essential.

This report examines the current state of play with regards to access to environmental information in the EU, with a special focus on current access to information at Member State level. The report also gives policy recommendations and gives examples on how civil society and the public can exercise their right to information for a strengthened democracy.

‘For your information’ is part of a series of reports published under the Implement for LIFE (IFL) project.

Challenge accepted
Power for the people
Crime and punishment