Industry accountability and transparency
The team is involved in policy initiatives, projects and evidence-gathering that provide for enabling tools to benchmark industrial performance in pollution prevention efforts, improve transparency and accountability to the “green oath” of operators and decision makers.
We also support initiatives that put the polluter-pays principle into practice, notably through the systematic internalisation of external costs of pollution and advocating for a more robust regime for environmental liability. We engage in the review of the Industrial Emissions Portal Regulation, the Environmental Liability Directive and the UNECE Kyiv Protocol.
The in-house Industrial Plant Data Viewer, an interactive tool which allows the public to access and compare data on from large combustion plants across the EU.
We engage in initiatives under corporate sustainability reporting and due diligence, industry related initiatives aimed to improving the balance of public vs. private interest stakeholder representation, the setting of key performance indicators to track progress in the delivery of the zero-pollution ambition and supporting accountability in decision making notably within European Commission expert groups.
Further activities of the team can be explored on the EEB 2023 work programme.
The EEB’s Industry Working Group meets periodically, gathering experts from across Europe to discuss issues relating to industrial pollution and how to address them.
Potential daily external health cost savings achieved by using recognised techniques to reduce air pollution from EU coal plants
Could be saved every year by improving environmental performance at European coal power stations