Submissions to the draft RBMP of ICPER

Types: Letter
Published: 22 October 2021
Size: 1.45 MB

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) provides comments on the draft River Basin Management Plan for the River Elbe/Labe, addressed to the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (ICPER), and the Water Directors of Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.

The EEB with our colleagues from Grüne Liga submit comments and suggestions related to how lignite mining and combustion are addressed in the draft international RBMP for the Elbe River basin. The submission asks for more ambition in the RBMP before its adoption in December, particularly regarding cost recovery, polluters pays principle and drinking water protection.

The cover letter for the submission can be found here.

The submission from our member Grüne Liga (in German) can be found here.