Webinar Repair and copyright: Overcoming the invisible barriers to repair – 14 September – Online
Webinar – Repair and copyright
Overcoming the invisible barriers to repair
Wednesday 14 September, 14:00 – 15:30 CEST
Please Register Here
With e-waste being the fastest growing waste stream, we need to be able to repair our devices to ensure that they last as long as possible and avoid the dump. Among the many barriers to repair, copyright rules often stop repairers in their tracks, meaning that devices can sometimes be dumped before their time. In this webinar from the Right to Repair campaign, we explore how to overcome these invisible barriers in order to reduce e-waste
As our devices get smarter, barriers to repair have gone beyond the physical and become increasingly intangible. Software and repair information can be essential for making things ‘tick’, or bringing them back to life when they stop working. Yet they are covered by rules that can give their creators extensive and long-lasting powers that can pose challenges to those who want to repair, tinker, modify, and improve.
Copyright law can place substantial constraints on users’ rights to disassemble their products, and modify computer programs and other digital works. Independent repairers should not be found in a position whereby manufacturers’ extended powers over our devices block them from carrying repairs, or get them into trouble.
To explore how software and copyright rules are essential in guaranteeing a comprehensive right to repair, join us at our webinar on 14 September from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST, with contributions from:
Steffen Vangerow, a trained technical craftsman who has spent several years repairing in the workshop and also on site with customers, who is currently running Vangerow GmbH. His years of working in repair have left him with real life experience how intellectual property rights hinder repairers in their work.
Anthony Rosborough, PhD Researcher at the European University Institute on Technological protection measures (TPMs) as a source of restriction under copyright law and possible solutions.
Claire Darmon, Head of Public Affairs Europe at Swappie on the dangers of copyright software limitations for the refurbishment industry.
MEP Marcel Kolaja, Czech software engineer, Internet freedom and digital rights activist, Czech Pirate Party politician.
We will also be joined by Deborah Goll from SME Alliance Europe and Laura da Silva from Knowledge Rights 21 for an enriching discussion following the interventions.
The EEB is part of the steering group of the Right to Repair campaign.
Please note that this webinar will take place in English.