Transforming farm subsidies to prevent climate breakdown – 25 September 2019
How can the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) help the farming sector become climate neutral?
Agriculture is responsible for 10% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. Yet €58 billion of taxpayers’ money is spent annually to support environmentally-harmful agriculture.
The EEB is pleased to invite you to join the debate. A range of stakeholders from the EU institutions, industry, academia and civil society will present their views and discuss how better agricultural policy can help address climate breakdown.
This event is organised in cooperation with BirdLife Europe and supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).
See programme below and register here.
13:30 Registration
14:00 Introduction and Welcome, Patrick Ten Brink, Director of EU Policy, EEB
Setting the Scene: The scientific background
14:10 Current contribution to EU climate targets, David Mottershead, Principal Policy Analyst, IEEP
14:20 Consumption & Climate, Dr Marco Springmann, Senior Researcher in Population Health, University of Oxford
14:30 Q&A
Session 1: CAP and climate, what EU institutions and governments say
14:50 European Commission, Mauro Poinelli, DG AGRI
15:05 European Parliament, Irène Toelleret, Renew Europe group, MEP substitute in AGRI and winemaker
15:20 Member States, John Muldowney Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Ireland)
15:35 Panel Debate with scientists
Session 2: CAP budget and climate
16:00 Introduction: Agriculture in National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)
16:10 Panel debate: Agricultural commitments in NECPs: The good, the bad and the ugly.
> Valeria Forlin, Policy officer (DG CLIMA)Unit C.3 – Land Use and Finance for Innovation
> Bérénice Dupeux Senior Policy Officer for Agriculture, EEB
> Tobias Gräs, Senior Policy Advisor Danish Agriculture & Food Council
16:45 Q&A
17:00 Introduction: Current use of climate budget
17:10 Panel debate: What legitimacy for the CAP budget in the future EU budget?
> Raphael Weyland, NABU
> Phil Wynn Owen, European Court of Auditors
17:45 Q&A
17:50 Closing remarks
> Ariel Brunner, Senior Head of Policy, Birdlife International, Division Europe & Central Asia