Towards a performance-oriented EU Agricultural Policy – 13 December – Brussels & Online
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We are pleased to invite you to MEF4CAP’s final event, taking place on 13 December 2023 in the BIP Meeting Centre located at Place Royale 11, Brussels. MEF4CAP – Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – is a Horizon 2020 project designed to draw on the insights and perspectives of relevant stakeholders within the food and farming system to identify best practices for improving the monitoring and evaluation of the CAP.
At the project’s closing event, project partners will present a roadmap for future monitoring and evaluation of agricultural policies as well as its translation into an innovation agenda that:
· identifies and delivers on the needs of different stakeholders;
· fully exploits the potential of different approaches;
· minimises associated costs and administrative burdens;
· optimises the value of the data collected.
Krijn Poppe from the Wageningen Economic Research with be our event moderator.
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The agenda
12:30 | Arrival and light lunch
13:30 | Welcome from project coordinator Dr Marcel van Asseldonk, Senior Scientist, Wageningen Economic Research and Krijn Poppe, Wageningen Economic Research
13:35 | Scene-setting keynote: Tassos Haniotis, previous Director for Strategy, Simplification and Policy Analysis in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), will lay out the state of play and future outlook for the monitoring and evaluation of agricultural policy, including the role of data, policy trends, and development in the public and private sector.
13:55 | Introduction to the project: Trevor Donnellan and Dr Emma Dillon from Teagasc, Nikos Kalatzis from NeuroPublic, and Alberto Gutiérrez García from ITACYL will provide an overview of the MEF4CAP project.
14:10 | Demo cases: Results from key demonstration cases will be presented by:
· Trevor Donnellan and Dr Emma Dillon from Teagasc, the Agriculture and Food Development Authority in Ireland;
· Pablo Fernandez Technician in the Department of Sustainability, Quality and Innovation at the Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias in Spain;
· Nikos Kalatzis Technical Project Manager from NeuroPublic in Greece.
The presentations will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A.
14:55 | Coffee break
15:20 | Project findings: Dr Tomaso Ceccarelli, Senior Researcher for Global Food Security and Rob Lokers, IT Project Manager from the Wageningen Economic Research will present a roadmap for monitoring and evaluation of agriculture policies and how to translate the findings into an innovation agenda.
15:40 | Reactions and discussions from a panel of experts
· Olivier Chartier (Ecorys)
· Maira Dzelzskaleja (COPA COGECA)
· Sophie Helaine (DG AGRI A.3)
16:30 | Policy discussion exploring how to improve the capacity of monitoring and evaluation to move towards more a performance-based CAP:
Introductory remarks from Alan Matthews, Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy in the Department of Economics at Trinity College, Dublin.
Followed by a panel discussion including:
· Alan Matthews,
· Kaley Hart (Institute for European Environmental Policy),
· Emmanuel Rauch (European Court of Auditors)
· Hans Vrolijk (WUR)
17:25 | Final remarks from Dr Marcel van Asseldonk and Krijn Poppe (WUR)
17:30 | Close
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000662. This website reflects the authors’ views and does not commit the donor.
7 December
Brussels & Online
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