The Dark World of Toxic Skin Lightening Products – 19 October – Online
EEB and EIA invite you to a panel presentation on new findings exposing the production
and trade of mercury-added skin lightening products
Register here.
Join us live at 2pm CEST on Thursday, October 19th for a panel presentation on new findings exposing the production and trade of mercury-added skin lightening products.
An undercover investigation by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has exposed the illicit production, trade, and sale of mercury-added skin lightening products (SLPs) that continue despite legal prohibitions, including a global treaty ban. The investigation reveals key methods being used by companies producing mercury-added SLPs and the mercury compound supply sources serving these producers in three different countries. Panelists will include EIA covering the investigation findings, Peter Maxson, presenting his findings in a recently completed mercury compounds study, and new findings from the Zero Mercury Working Group.