NGO Capacity Building Webinar on Identification and Classification of Hazardous Chemicals in the EU – 7 April – Online

The EEB would like to invite you to an NGO capacity building webinar on Identification and Classification of Hazardous Chemicals in the EU on Thursday 7 April, at 14:00-15:45 CET.

We look forward to sharing with you information on how hazardous chemicals are classified and labelled in the EU, through standard symbols and phrases to inform final users about their hazards. We will also look at how the Global Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals standardises hazard information to facilitate the trade of chemicals worldwide.

By attending the webinar, you will be able to take home the knowledge and experiences from our expert panelists while also having the chance to interact and share your experiences during the session. The topics that we will be covering include:

  • EU institution work on identifying and classifying hazardous chemicals under the CLP regulation.
  • NGO proposals to improve the identification and classification of hazardous chemicals.
  • The links between the CLP regulation and the Global Harmonised System.

This training programme has been produced with financial assistance from Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agent, Sida, which has been arranged by the Swedish Chemicals Agency. The views herein shall not be taken to reflect the official opinion of Sida or the Swedish Chemicals Agency.


Thursday 7 April




14:00 - 15:45

For more information, please contact our Events Coordinator.