Policy briefing: Why we need ambitious legally binding EU food waste targets

Types: Briefing
Published: 21 February 2023
Size: 539.34 KB

In 2015, EU countries signed Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030. Through the revised Waste Framework Directive in 2018, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to meet SDG 12.3. Now, the Commission has the opportunity to propose ambitious legally binding food waste reduction targets for EU member states to ensure it will meet SDG 12.3 and halve EU food waste from farm to fork – and realise the considerable benefits of this for the environment, the economy and food security.

In this policy briefing, the EEB and Feedback EU call for ambitious legally binding food waste reduction targets and highlight the benefits such targets could bring to Europe.

This briefing is also available in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Danish and Polish.