Green Heat for All: Bridging the Gap towards Inclusive, Affordable and Clean Heating – 23 October – online

Which European countries are still generously supporting fossil fuel in homes despite the 2022 gas crisis?

What is the current affordability of clean alternatives?

What is the investment gap still needed to decarbonise the sector and ensure that clean and green heat is affordable for all?

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At the crossroad of many EU and national policies on the heating sector, the European Environmental Bureau is publishing a new Coolproducts analysis with findings that answer these questions among others.  

Join our webinar with INFORSE on Monday 23 October 10:30AM where we discuss how these numbers should embolden the EU to future-proof the heating sector, combat energy poverty and improve the bloc’s emission.

This event is part of the Coolproducts campaign. Co-led by European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS), Coolproducts is a coalition of NGOs working to ensure better products for consumers and the planet.






10:30 -11:30