Decarbonising Europe’s building stock: energy efficiency, circular economy and whole-life carbon – 10 November – Webinar

Decarbonising Europe’s building stock: energy efficiency, circular economy and whole-life carbon

Wednesday 10 November, 15:00 – 16:30 CET

Please Register Here


EEB, BPIE and ECOS are glad to invite you to the webinar titled Decarbonising Europe’s building stock: energy efficiency, circular economy and whole-life carbon on Wednesday 10 November 2021, 15.00-16.30 (CET).

The European Green Deal, the Renovation Wave and the Recovery plan for Europe represent an unprecedented opportunity to refocus policy efforts on the effective decarbonisation of the European building stock. It’s time for policymakers and the construction value chain to break down silos and work together to achieve this objective. EU policies for zero-emission buildings must integrate whole-life carbon, energy efficiency and circular economy. In this webinar we will explore how these seemingly competing principles can work together in a coordinated strategy. Join us and participate in this essential discussion.


Moderator: Oliver Rapf – Executive Director, BPIE

Welcome and introduction
Speaker 1: Principles to integrate WLC in building regulations
Zsolt Toth, Senior Project Manager BPIE
Speaker 2: Principles to integrate circularity in building regulations
Gonzalo Sanchez, Policy Officer for Circular Economy and Carbon Neutrality in the Building Sector. EEB
Speaker 3: Transition pathway for construction: circularity and WLC
Philippe Moseley, Policy Officer, DG GROW, Construction Unit · European Commission
Speaker 4: Stakeholder views – key points discussed in the previous event
Jonathan Volt, Project Manager. BPIE

Panel 1: industry perspectives – Including Q&As session with the audience
• Peter Andreas Sattrup, Senior Adviser, Sustainability, Danish Association of Architectural Firms
• Jonna Byskata, Head of EU Public Affairs at Kingspan Global
• Dr Christine Lemaitre, Chief Executive Officer at DGNB German Sustainable Building Council

• Eoin Condren, Corporate Development Director, Ecocem

Panel 2: policy perspectives – Including Q&As session with the audience
• Ioannis Bakas, European Environment Agency
• Caroline Henrotay, Leefmileu Brussels
• Ciaran Cuffe, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/European Free Alliance
• Pau Garcia Audi, Policy Officer at European Commission. DG ENER

Wrap up.


Join the discussion!


10 November




15:00 - 16:30

For more information, please contact our Events Coordinator.