An EU Budget to boost the Green Deal and post-Covid Recovery – 15 June 2020 – Webinar
The webinar will present an update on the status of the European Green Deal (EGD), MFF and recovery package and what civil society can do to push for EGD compatible funding that addresses climate change. While the immediate challenge is on getting the MFF and recovery package right, the role of “programming” – of ensuring that the right priorities are in the Partnership Agreements, operational programmes and CAP strategic plans – is particularly important given the high level of flexibility and autonomy given to Member States in the MFF proposals. We will therefore discuss both these issues. We will also share experience on national practice on investments in the green transition and on the use of economic instruments – and seek inputs from participants during the webinar on what is happening in your countries. There will be short presentations followed by roundtable questions.
We’re looking forward to seeing you. Please register here and join the discussion.
The agenda is available here: MFF for Climate Agenda.
This event is organised with the support of EUKI.