Ten green tests for Romania’s EU presidency

As Romania takes the helm of the EU’s rotating presidency for the next six months, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) assesses the challenges and opportunities ahead for an environmentally sound and socially inclusive Europe.  

Romania has taken over the Presidency of the EU at a time when the challenge of strengthening and implementing EU environmental policies is as great as ever.

For the next six months, the country will lead on several issues that have the potential to shape the future of Europe. For this reason, the EEB calls on the Romanian government to promote a greener, more sustainable Europe, where our destructive impact on the climate, biodiversity and public health in Europe and beyond is rapidly decreased in line with citizens’ expectations and scientific imperatives, through the following measures:

  • Drive ambitious climate commitments to 1.5 degrees
  • Halt biodiversity loss: Protect our land and oceans
  • Transform food & farming systems through the Common Agricultural Policy
  • Make the EU Budget work for people and planet
  • Reduce air pollution to protect human health and the environment
  • Ensure clean and sufficient water for Europeans
  • Protect the public from hazardous chemicals
  • Transition to an innovative, resource efficient, circular economy
  • Strengthen democratic governance, the rule of law, and environmental justice
  • Make Sustainable Development Goals drive the Future of Europe


EEB Memorandum to the Romanian Presidency