Building a Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) energy scenario – Policy brief

Categories: Climate & Energy
Published: 9 December 2020
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Earlier this year, the EEB and CAN Europe – together with grid operators, industry representatives, researchers and other NGOs – developed their own energy scenario for 2050. The study finds that the EU can achieve climate neutrality by 2040 – 10 years earlier than agreed by governments and institutions. It also finds that the bloc can cut emissions by 65% through 2030, as opposed to the current EU target of 40%.

In this policy brief, the EEB and CAN Europe provide key recommendations to lawmakers to guide them through the ongoing negotiations relating to the European Green Deal and the Recovery Fund. By choosing to invest in local and renewable solutions rather than in gas pipelines and by boosting energy efficiency, lawmakers have an opportunity to make the net-zero emissions scenario outlined in the report a reality and help Europe meet its commitments agreed under the Paris Agreement.