EU Environment committee votes for higher efficiency targets, Industry and Energy Committee must follow

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) welcomes the decision of the European Parliament Environmental Committee to support higher targets for energy efficiency in 2030.

This positive step kick starts the negotiations of the Clean Energy package in the European Parliament, a key action towards meeting the Paris Agreement. It is vital that we embrace this level of commitment and make rules on energy efficiency binding.

The EEB is Europe’s largest network of environmental organisations with 140 members in over 30 countries.

Today at 11AM the European Parliament Environmental Committee held the first key vote on the Energy Efficiency Directive.

The committee took the position of creating a 40 per cent energy efficiency target for 2030, making the national targets binding, including the transport sector in the annual energy savings and improving monitoring and reporting.

Roland Joebstl EEB Policy Officer on Energy and Climate said:

“The confirmation of the binding 40 per cent energy efficiency target is the starting gun for higher ambition in the whole clean Energy package.

“With only 59 days to go for the COP23 the Parliament is finally matching its words with actions.

“Now the Industry Committee must come on board and embrace the energy transition as the tool to reduce GHG-emissions while creating jobs, saving money and improving air quality.

“The binding 40% energy efficiency goal is key as it will enable Europe to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.”

For more information:

Ian Carey, Communications Manager

+32 2 289 13 09