who we are


Policy Division

Manuela Gervasi

Senior Policy Officer for Sustainable Development and Public Participation

As Senior Policy Officer for Sustainable Development & Public Participation, Manuela leads the coordination of REAL DEAL for the EEB, a Horizon2020 project which focuses on stepping up citizens’ participation in the European Green Deal. She is responsible for the EEB’ work on the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Previously, she worked at the United Nations Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Canada) on the cities and biodiversity work programme and contributed to the UN Habitat Policy Issues Papers supporting the New Urban Agenda. She has experience with networks of cities and regions for environment, climate and energy in Europe and Asia, including a background as a researcher on participatory democracy at local level.
Manuela has a Master’s degree in Environmental Governance awarded by the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Sustainability of the United Nations University in Tokyo and another in Urban Planning and Policy from the Polytechnic of Milan.
She speaks Italian, English and Portuguese and is improving her French, Dutch and German.