who we are


Policy Division

Luc Powell

Policy Officer for Air Quality and Agriculture

Luc is a system design and reform specialist from Aotearoa New Zealand. He has joined the EEB as the lead on methane emissions reduction in the agricultural sector. Luc is returning to Europe connect his work with his farming heritage including his Oma and Opa who immigrated to New Zealand to farm dairy in the 50s. He intends to contribute to promotion of international best practice agriculture through the exchange of ideas and system designs from across the world.

With experience across technical, economic and social regulatory design, Luc is interested in co-designing frameworks that find the common ground between the aspirations and practical realities of industries with the common need to reduce emissions.

Luc’s recent work experience includes the reform of the Resource Management System, and the Building Regulatory System of New Zealand. He has completed a degree majoring in Politics, International Relations and Philosophy with post-graduate philosophical analysis thesis on the impacts of international trade agreements on domestic social outcomes.