Conclusion of RED trilogues: EU lawmakers fail to set ambitious renewables target

Thursday 30 March, negotiators from the European Parliament, Commission and Council reached a long-awaited agreement on the revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED). 

In the last round of interinstitutional negotiations, a deal was agreed on the overall EU renewable energy target for 2030 – a mandatory 42,5% share of renewables in gross final energy consumption, and a 45% voluntary target – and on targets for renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) used in transport. 

Cosimo Tansini, Policy Officer for Renewable Energy at the EEB says: 

“It is very disappointing to see the ambition on the EU renewable energy target watered down through undue influences on the RED by the nuclear lobby and their champions among EU governments. A mandatory 45% target would already be weak and outdated. Scenario modelling shows that 50% is possible and recommendable to respect our climate goals from the Paris Agreement, hence anything lower than 45% simply shows European dis-unity and lack of ambition. It is now crucial that EU countries commit to steep decarbonisation and renewables roll-out trajectories with a clear aim to exceed the targets set in the RED.”