Call for tender: Air quality report
The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations. We bring together over 180 civil society organisations from more than 38 European countries. We stand for sustainable development, environmental justice & participatory democracy.
The purpose of this invitation to tender is to award a contract to a consultancy firm for developing, in collaboration with the EEB, an assessment answering the question: what would be the impact on climate if the air pollution levels were brought down to the air quality standards recently proposed by the European Commission – by 2030? (the analysis is especially relevant in relation to: the ongoing recast of the Ambient Air Quality Directives; the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive; the revision of Eco-design standards for stoves and local space heaters; the revision of National Air Pollution Control Programmes under the NEC Directive, the review and possible revision of the National Emission Ceilings Directive, the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol and the revision of the National Energy and Climate Plans under the Governance Regulation).
Deadline extended until 15 April 2024
Please submit tenders in English to using the Subject line ‘Air quality tender’.
For more information please see the PDF below: