Membership Categories

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The EEB has four membership categories: full members, associate members, affiliate members and honorary members.

The first three categories are for organisations; the fourth, honorary membership, is a status conferred on a small number of individuals on the basis of the moral support they have given or work they have undertaken towards protecting the environment. Only full members have formal decision-making powers; the other three categories enjoy other benefits.

With more than 40 years of experience of animating a network we have vast experience of making sure that EEB membership brings added value to all types of environmental organisations – be they local, regional or national NGOs or European networks!

Summary of Membership eligibility criteria

Means No / unnecessary criterion / no access
Means Yes / necessary criterion / access

Based on the criteria, the following system is applied:

Means No
Means Yes
*Different rules may apply depending on event budget; sometimes there are not sufficient funds to cover all full members, other times there are sufficient funds to cover both full and associate members, but as a rule, full members will have priority over associate members.
**It may be agreed on a case by case basis that a representative of an affiliate member organisation or even a non-member organisation may participate in a specific working group, where this is deemed to be of mutual benefit. There is however no automatic entitlement by affiliate members to participate in working groups.
***Means right to be on a mailing list to receive EEB’s publications and certain briefings and other information; though not all strategic or campaigning information or internal documentation.

Membership Fees

Member organisations are liable for an annual membership fee. A schedule of fees is adopted periodically by the General Assembly. The current schedule covers the period from 2023 to 2027 inclusive. The annual membership fee is based on the member organisation’s annual turnover. Full members pay 100% of the annual membership fee indicated in the following table; associate and affiliate members pay 50% of the annual membership fee.

Table Image