Policy brief: EC delegated act on renewable hydrogen production

Categories: Biofuels, Climate & Energy
Types: Briefing
Published: 17 February 2023
Size: 576.78 KB

On 13th February 2023, the European Commission published the final version of a Delegated Act setting out the rules that hydrogen producers must abide by to be able to label their product as renewable and count towards EU hydrogen and renewable targets.

This Delegated Act is meant to bring clarity on what makes hydrogen renewable. The European Commission plans to kickstart investments in hydrogen and e-fuels. These are required to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors in industry and long-haul transport.

However, this piece of legislation includes several derogations and loopholes for hydrogen production that could result in increased emissions, competition for investments with renewables and grids, and higher energy costs.

Download the policy brief to read our full analysis.