(Policy Brief) A New Paradigm for the EU’s Global Trade Strategy: Ethical World Trade and Economy for the Common Good

Categories: Economic Transition
Published: 22 November 2024
Size: 10.75 MB

The era of “free trade,” still actively promoted by the World Trade Organization
(WTO), seems to be coming to an end. In addition, two recent trends – neoprotectionism and economic geopolitics – are neither desirable alternatives to it, nor are they capable of responding to the ecological and social crises the planet is facing today. This presents a unique opportunity to ask what kind of international
trade order could truly promote sustainable economic development, human and
labour rights, gender justice, environmental protection, cultural diversity and
peaceful international cooperation. A Working Paper of the CBS International
Business School outlines a new paradigm of Ethical World Trade as part of a
broader “Economy for the Common Good” framework. In this policy briefing, we
highlight the main policy reforms attached to this new vision, focusing on the
transfer of a WTO rule-based global trade order into the UN system to align it with
both the UN and European Union’s values and guiding principles