Open letter: Nature-based water resilience cannot wait

Categories: Water
Types: Letter
Published: 5 March 2024
Size: 592.09 KB

The EEB has joined 27 other organisations, including NGOs, city networks, farmers, trade unions and professional associations to call on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to put the nature-based EU water resilience initiative back on the agenda before the 2024 EU elections.

In the face of more intense and frequent extreme weather events related to climate change, the EU should accelerate its action to address recurrent water scarcity and protect society against the effects of droughts, floods, wildfires and sea level rise. Achieving water resilience through nature based solutions should be a political priority under the next European Commission, with healthy freshwater and marine ecosystems – rivers, lakes, wetlands, deltas and coastal areas – at its core.