NGOs’ recommendations for revised lists of priority substances for surface and groundwater

Categories: Water
Published: 26 September 2024
Size: 298.35 KB

This document, published jointly by a coalition of civil society organisations (WWF EU, Pesticide Action Network Europe, Health Care Without Harm, Surfrider Europe, and the EEB) is a resource for EU policymakers to inform the upcoming trilogue negotiations around the update of lists of priority substances that are known to be harmful to people’s health and the state of Europe’s water bodies, and which should be addressed with urgency under the new mandate.

It recommends five priority areas that policymakers should consider in the upcoming trilogue deliberations: (1) strengthening governance; (2) addressing the effects of chemicals, including mixtures; (3) Improving monitoring; (4) improving groundwater protection; and (5) ensuring that EU water pollution regulations reflect latest science and lead to action at source.