NGO reaction to regulatory developments for perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS)

Categories: Chemicals, PFAS
Types: Response
Published: 26 May 2020
Size: 140.61 KB

CHEMTRUST, EEB and IPEN comments to SEAC draft opinion on an Annex XV dossier proposing restrictions on Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) including its ctions salts and related substances

The undersigning organisations support the restriction of PFHxS as part of the growing global efforts to eliminate all PFAS. PFHxS is extremely persistent, it bioaccumulates and is likely to lead to significant adverse human health effects. However, we consider that the proposed restriction as currently under discussion will have a limited impact on the reduction of PFHxS emissions given the high allowed concentration limits and the proposed derogations.

Response continues…