Adapting to the climate and water crises: Joint position paper for a water resilient Europe

Categories: Nature, Water
Published: 26 October 2023
Size: 3.95 MB

Living Rivers Europe – a coalition of six NGOs (EEA, EEB, ERN, the Nature Conservancy, Wetlands International and WWF) – launch a new position paper on ‘Adapting to the climate and water crises’. 

The call comes as the European Economic and Social Committee holds a high-level “Call for an EU Blue Deal” conference today, and it follows the European Commission’s announcement that it will present an Initiative for Water Resilience in the first quarter of 2024.

Our key asks include a new EU water and climate resilience law, full enforcement of the EU Green Deal and the Water Framework Directive, climate proofing of all EU rules and an end to harmful subsidies.