Call for proposals: online platforms – what role and responsibility in ecodesign policy?

Types: Briefing
Published: 14 July 2022
Size: 158.73 KB

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) wishes to explore the potential role and responsibility of online market-places in the forthcoming Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation proposed by the European Commission in March 2022. We are interested in the European legal context which defines the role of online markets places in the new proposal but also existing experiences other legislation (e.g. Product Safety Regulation; Digital Services Act; Waste Framework Directive; Market Surveillance Regulation). We are also interested in understanding better the reality of the sale of products through online platforms. For instance, the share of goods sold online compared to traditional shops, and their environmental footprint relative to brick & mortar sales. Overall, we are concerned that the current ecodesign proposal may not give sufficient responsibility to these increasingly important actors. 


Deadline for proposals: 30 July 2022

Please download the complete call for proposals below and submit your proposal in English to Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, Policy Officer for products and circular economy, at